Messages to Our Travelers

Geoff Allemand (BP Schools in Australia)

G'day from Shepparton, Australia. It was great to read about your trip to China and how you went about planning it. I will print this up for my BP class to read as we are busy planning and raising money for a trip to the USA in November. We are hoping to travel with a group of Australian educators on a study tour of Big Picture Schools in New York and Rhode Isalnd. All the best (Geoff - Class Adviser)

Maritza Martell (Angel's mom)

Hello Met America. All the pictures are amazing and seem you are having so much fun. I hope you do some type of presentation of all you guys have learn in China. Specially Angel Omar and his new Kung Fu movements!

Darlene Watkins (Courtney's Aunt)

Wow, it's great to be able to communicate with you.  What a trip of a lifetime.  Courtney, it looks like you're enjoying yourself.  I'm glad to see that you have taken a break from texting after a couple of days in China.  I cannot wait to hear about everything.
You, your teachers and your classmates are blessed.  I'll check in again tomorrow.
Thanks for the pics.

Erica Berek (Brandee's Friend)

It looks like you guys are having a great time!  Keep enjoying yourselves!  Erica

Steven Bartholomew (Instructional Leader of Met Equality)

What an amazing experience!  It's great to see the smiling faces and the great places you've been.  I can't wait to see the young adults that have been transformed from this experience.  Great job Brandee and Denise!

Becky and Dennis Delbarone (Staff from the Met Unity and Equality)

Wow!! Amazing!  We love being able to keep up to date on your Chinese adventures.  We especially enjoy the stories of individual student risk taking!  It reminds us why we love working with our kids at the Met!

Can't wait to hear more in person and see all the pictures.

Brandee - we miss you!

Pamela Gordon (Courtney's cousin) kids are in China!!!  This is a once in a lifetime experience Courtney, so take it all in & enjoy it.  Can't wait to see you and hear all about your adventure.  Everyone be safe & continue enjoying the rest of your trip.

Colleen Russell (Brandee's sister)

Hello, travelers!  How wonderful to hear that everyone is enjoying good health, good food, good company, and good times!  It sounds like you have had an exciting and busy couple of weeks--I'm exhausted just thinking about it.  Congratulations of all of your hard work coming to fruition and making this trip a reality.  Enjoy the rest of your days and keep taking pictures!

Martiza Martell (Angel's Mom)

It is impressive how much our kids are learning. I can't wait to see the new pictures. Don't forget to bring home the newspaper with the Met America group interview. Keep having fun!!

Jen Fordyce (Staff from the Met Equality)

You guys look so relaxed and happy!  I'm glad to see everyone enjoying the trip and getting the most out of the experience.  What amazing stories you will have to share as we kick off senior year...woo-hoo!!!


Maritza Martell (Angel's mom)

I am so happy Met America is Swine Flu free and is having a great time. Love the pictures and everyone expressions. I hope every one is taking advantage of this great opportunity to learn more about the Chinnese language, arts and traditions. In the future you will see how much richer you are just because these trip. Thank you Brandee and Denise for giving this great opportunity to my son Angel and peers.
Maritza Martell

Ski Man (Brandee's Dad)

Way cool !!!  China who would have thought ?  If only I had a teacher like Brandee.  Where would I be today ?  The world will never know.

Looks like you are in for a Solar eclipse.  I was reading this article on yahoo and thought of you guys. 
Lots of superstition around eclipses.  Thought you would be interested.  (Brandee's response:  the kids will view the eclipse on the school's field this afternoon with special viewers.  This program thinks of everything!  Thanks for the article, Dad!)

SkiMan out !

Miss Shirley (Former PE Teacher at The Met)

Shout-out to all the MET students in China.  This is Miss Shirley and I am working on a yacht in Antibes, France.
China sounds like a blast!  See any pandas?  They are one of my favorite animals.
Keep taking pictures.
Have a great time!
Miss Shirley

June Scola (Keith's mom)

It's so nice to see pictures of the trip. They look so beautiful.  The kids look like they're having a great time there.

Taylor Roy (Brandee's Advisory)

I miss you guys!!  I hope you are all having a great time!!!

Alicia Uth (Staff from the Met Peace)

I am soooo jealous!!!! You guys are so lucky.  Be sure to take lots of pics.

Denise-A.K.A my homie- you better let me know when you get back.  I'm taking you out to hear ALL about it!

Cheryl Britto (Courtney's mom)

 Hi everyone I hope you are having great time I miss you courtney very much the pictures are beautiful hope to see more. Marcus said hello.
Your Mother

Brittney Smith (Courtney's sister)

I am glad to hear everything is going great, what an exciting oppurtunity you all get to experience. Well just want to say be safe and enjoy...
See you soon.

Kim Barsamian (Staff from the Met Peace)

I am so happy for all of you! I cannot wait to show my advisory the amazing things Met students can do. I am hoping they may want to do something like this. They are 11th graders this coming school year and your trip will be an inspiration to my kids and other advisories. I have a question about language, did any of the students take Mandarin or Cantonese in preparation? (Brandee's response: We learned Mandarin) Is it at all necessary? (Brandee's response: For this trip, it wasn't necessary because they have classes for students of all levels - we're in basic 2, but there is a basic 1, intermediate, and advanced.) Enjoy the rest of your trip and have a safe trip home. Thanks for letting everyone share in this experience!

Elayne Walker Cabral (Staff from The Met Liberty)

Hi guys- First let me tell you how proud of you we are back at the Met.  You are representing us well.  I hope you are taking advantage of every moment of your trip. You will talk about this trip throughout yoyr whole life.  Make your memories count!

Patty Holliday (Staff from Met Justice)

Oh my goodness! Absolutely incredible! Wow, wish I was there!

I am so happy to hear that you made it there safely! This is an amazing experience for our students, Brandee and Denise (as well as any other participants)  and I can't wait to hear about your travels as well as see pictures of the experience first hand! Be safe and well,

Yan Ma (Director of the Confucius Institute at URI)

Enjoy the trip!

Brian Matthews (Staff from Met Justice)

WOW! I am very impressed & inspired by all that you have accomplished.  I enjoy reading the daily log on your adventures.  Keep up the positive attitudes - This is a trip you will never forget!  I can't wait to see the pictures and hear your stories when you return.  Thanks for being such risk-takers and showing the Met community what is possible!  After reading about the PANDA BEAR at the zoo  - I realize I need to watch Kung Fu Panda again with my daughter & visit our local zoo... All the best! YOU ALL ROCK!

David Grace (Staff from Met Equality)

Hello All!! I'm so glad everyone made it safely and I'm so proud of you!! Congrats to David and Xavier for making it first to the Great Wall!! I'm envious of that!! See you all soon and enjoy the rest of your trip!

Carrie Sheppard (Brandee's friend)

You are an inspiring bunch.  Good luck in Jilin!

Mary Phelan (Dorothy's mom)

Thank you for keeping us informed back home.  I enjoy reading of your adventures.  I hope everyone makes it to Jilin.  Good luck!

Lena (Staff from the Met Unity)

Wishing you a fun and safe trip!! What a fabulous adventure!!!
Happy Travels-